Sunday, January 15, 2012

Posh London

When Chris was studying in Paris he met Konstantin,  who now lives in London and was nice enough to let us visit for a few days.     He has an amazing flat in Kensington -  when you think of beautiful architecture and "real London" living - this is it!    (And,  for people interesting in biking,  they have the bike rental thing like Minneapolis just got.    Since we were a little fuzzy in the head from some post-cruise sea sickness,  cold remedies,  and crazy traffic on the "wrong" side of the road we figured we should stay away from the bikes,  but it's cool that they are here!)

We had a funny conversation about trains/subways and how they could "not" work in Minneapolis.     Population Density.     Konstantin lives on what would be considered a long block road in suburban Minneapolis.     In Minneapolis this may have 12 houses on each side of the street,   and maybe 4 people living in each house.    12 houses x 2 sides of the street x 4 people = 64 people living on that block in Minneapolis.     On his street,   there are 120 street numbers on that block,  each 6 stories high,  with 2 flats per level and 2 people per flat or 2880 people!   
His flat is  walking distance to Hyde Park and Harrod's department store.   And one day we did a longer walk to his office and by Mayfair (think Rodeo Drive of London) which was nice to enjoy the unseasonably nice weather and great people watching (and car watching - lots of Lamborghinis, Bentleys and Ferraris in some of the tightest parallel parking situations you'd ever imagine cars like that being found in).

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