Sunday, January 8, 2012

Life on the Ship

((from Jodi))  We're on our 5th day of the cruise today,  and it's amazing how time flies when you have nothing going on.    Mostly our accomplishments for each day include eating, watching shows or lectures, playing games (and the morning watercolor painting class that Jodi found).... it seems like the days whiz by.    Of course,  getting up between about nine and noon, and dinner at 6 doesn't leave many hours in the day!     Because we’re sailing east, and quickly, every day the clock goes forward one hour. So we’re living on a 23 hour day, every day. It gets harder and harder to get to sleep and wake up at the “normal” time.

((Chris: here's a pic of Jodi enjoying a nice afternoon Snoozy!))

 We had rougher waters for the last couple of days:  seas 12-15ft high,  which makes for some noticeable rocking on the boat.    We both had brought the sea-sickness patches which we put on after the first nights dinner when we started feeling woozy - not sure if we would have gotten used to it or not but they seem to work pretty good so we're staying on them.  ((Chris: I was definitely 5-50% seasick for the first four and a half days... finally feeling good now! Also... it's been much warmer outside than expected and walking the deck is quite comfortable.)) 



We're still trying to stay on our "slight more healthy" thing - including working out in the fitness center on the ship.    It's really quite funny actually:   yesterday after working out we went to the pool,  and you could see the water levels sloshing back and forth by over a foot.    Imagine how this feels when running on a treadmill:    in each four second interval you get to run harder uphill,  then when the ship rocks the other way you need to put on the brakes or you'll run into the front of the treadmill.   The first two runs weren't very fun and ended up getting cut short,  but yesterday we must have found our sea legs because it started to just feel "normal" to have the treadmill rocking.

(Chris)  Jodi has been taking a 2 hour watercolor painting class most mornings at 10. I've been going to whatever lecture is on at that time. There's an adventurer guy from Australia who's been to Antarctica once and the North Pole like four times. He has good talks. Some of the others are less interesting, but still fun.

Middays and afternoons we play a lot of games. Here's Jodi in her smart girl glasses getting ready to hand it to me at Yahtzee. I've never seen anyone roll so lucky all the time.

(Chris) Evenings we get into our fancy duds and go to dinner. After that, there are shows in the theater which are... not the kind of thing I normally go for, but hey, when in Rome! Here is the theater.

Here we are in our dinnerwear!

 Here's all the chefs (like 25 of them) parading through the dinner area so we can all show our appreciation.


(Chris) It's been a great lifestyle on the ship, particularly now that I seem to be over the motion sickness. We've got another day of the same tomorrow, before arriving in Southampton on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Looks spectacular! I would not have enjoyed the high seas though... Couple of questions:

    1. Are you the youngest ones on the boat?
    2. Have you used the hot tub yet?
    3. Do you think you will EVER use your suit after this trip Chris?

    Enjoy the rest of your does sound very interesting. Can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip.....especially Africa!!
